
Let's Dig Deeper: Finding your why behind your health goals.

What do you want to achieve with your health?

Why do you want that?

Why now?

These are critical questions we need to ask ourselves when we're thinking of change? Any type of change really but today I'll be talking about changing an area of your health, wellbeing or fitness and a process of how to approach sustainable, long-lasting change.

Essentially that's what we want when we decide to change an area of our lives, the change to last, to be permanent. It's simple in theory, a very different story in practise.

Change starts with a choice.

It can simply be a choice that you want things to be different. You want to improve your health, have more energy, eat better quality food, have less injuries and avoid being in pain, have more confidence in your own self-image etc.

This is where we need to explore this possibility of change more closely and ensure you really want what you say you want and then create a step-by-step process to achieve it. This is where unfortunately many go wrong.

Some have the intent to change but think the change is too large and never make a start, some have the courage to make the start but go about it the wrong way and inevitably halt due to a number of possible obstacles or setbacks. Some go all out and cause themselves injury or digestive distress. And some make all the right choices and life smacks them in the face and everything crumbles.

I'm going to present 3 simple questions that will hopefully get the cogs turning and create a simpler way to approach these often common pitfalls of health enthused change makers.


Q1: What things are important to you, and how does health, exercise and eating fit into this?

Q2: If you wanted to change, what would be the absolute smallest possible step you could take to move towards that goal?

Q3: What is good about NOT changing? What might be BAD about making this change?

You can answer these yourselves and hopefully they create a more well rounded picture of why the change is important to you, how to make a start and to prepare yourself for inevitable ambivalence during a journey towards change.

Best of luck.

If you're struggling to make a start in improving your health, wellbeing and fitness and you're unsure how to go about it, please fill out our quick survey or book in a call to gain help gain more clarity.
